Snöggasta persónuleikaprófið á vefnum

Upptökupersónuleikatypsins þíns með 12 fljótlegum spurningum.

Þessi próf er innra skoðunar sjálfskýrsla sem hjálpar þér að skilja hvernig þú skynjar heiminn og tekur ákvarðanir.

Þessi próf mælir fjórar tvískiptingar:

🔹Innri eða ytri.
🔹Skynjun eða innsæi.
🔹Hugsun eða tilfinning.
🔹Dæma eða skynja.



We care about your privacy and have several measures in place to keep your personal data secure. We encrypt all data that is stored and the names contain a unique hashed path and other obfuscating elements. Access to the data is limited to key development personnel who have 2-factor authentication restricted access. You can delete your profile including DNA data at anytime from your settings dashboard. ** We do not sell your personal information to 3rd parties, please see our Privacy Policy for more details. On departure please do give us feedback, especially if you found a great match :-)